
I'm Dr. Grayson Wheatley, a board-certified heart surgeon specializing in aortic surgery.

This blog is dedicated to giving patients, family members, and physicians quality medical information about the aorta, its diseases, and how to treat them.

Magic with Stents

From the Desk of Dr. Wheatley

Subj: Abdominal aortic stents

What is an aortic stent-graft and how does it work?

Before we answer that question, we will need to revisit a discussion of the relevant anatomy.

Abdominal aortic aneurysms are an unusual health problem.  They have been called “silent killers”.  They lurk deep inside the abdomen (stomach region) and grow without warning and can strike at any time.

One of the reasons that... Continue reading.

What's Your Type?

From the Desk of Dr. Wheatley

Subj: Aortic dissection

The wall of the aorta - the major blood vessel of the body - is composed of several layers which are biologically fused together.

An aortic dissection develops (as we have previously discussed HERE and HERE) when there is a spontaneous tearing apart of the layers of the aorta.

In the womb, embryologically speaking, the aorta forms within the first 28 days of gestation.

... Continue reading.

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)

Aortic stenosis is a devastating disease. It takes years for aortic stenosis to develop.  Difficult to detect at first, but eventually the heart’s ability to adapt is lost and patients lose all quality of life.

Over time, the heart gradually enlarges while even simple tasks become unbearable due to extremely labored breathing.  Finally, patients with aortic stenosis are unable to move around due to profound shortness of breath.

Fortunately, new minimally invasive treatments... Continue reading.

Drs. Rene Leriche and Michael DeBakey

We have previously mentioned two legendary figures in Cardiovascular Surgery: Dr. Michael DeBakey and Dr. Rene Leriche.

I wanted to briefly elaborate on their relationship and the impact they both had on Aortic Surgery.

In 1935, Dr. Michael DeBakey had finished his training at the Oschner Clinic in New Orleans and traveled to Strasbourg, France to learn from one of the most noted surgeons of the time, Dr. Rene Leriche.

Dr. Leriche had... Continue reading.

Complete Aortic Blockage (Leriche Syndrome)


Yogi Berra, the hall of fame baseball catcher, and master of witty quotes, provided the inspiration for this post.  Yogi Berra had a remarkable way with words, and frequently helped us understand life better through his oxymoron-type quote.

If there is a fork in the road, take it.

— Yogi Berra

You may be wondering: “How do Yogi Berra and aortic disease go together?”

This week, I was treating a... Continue reading.